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School Eco Villages

Part of improving education for children in the area is introducing an environmental and sustainability arm to their syllabus. Located in the natural beauty of the Lowveld, this introduction is a natural one and learners in our programme have adopted the message of conservation wholeheartedly.

We currently work with 9 Schools

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Programme Categories

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School Eco Villages

When we partner with a school, our first step is to establish an Eco Village that includes an Eco Garden and an Eco Classroom, promoting sustainability and environmental education.

School Interventions:

  • Eco Garden: Students maintain keyhole vegetable gardens, learning to grow fresh produce and enhance school nutrition.
  • Eco Classroom: Both indoors and outdoors. Bright, positive spaces where Grade 6 and 7 students receive conservation and ecology lessons.
  • Enhanced Nutrition and Kitchens: Fresh produce supplements government-provided meals, often the only meal for many students. We also provide opportunities for new kitchen buildings
  • School Library: We build libraries for teachers and students to access reading materials
  • Ablution Blocks: If the school needs assistance with new ablution blocks we assist with Eco-toilets
Eco Children Eco Village sign
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Holiday Workshops

We host eco-based holiday workshop weeks for children whose parents work in the Klaserie Private Nature Reserve.

During each school holiday it is the highlight for around 500 children between the ages of 5 and 16 years.

By establishing a love for nature and conservation from as early an age as possible, we inspire these children and their families to adopt a way of life that protects their environment.

These workshops cover a range of conservational themes, such as:

  • How to be safe in the bush
  • Animals home ranges and territories
  • Animal behaviour
  • Recycling
  • Pollution
Eoc Children holiday programme
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Winkie Makoma Mokgope, Environmental Educator at Hloaia Primary School 

“For me personally, Eco Children has helped me develop a new-found love and appreciation for nature. It has helped me improve my communication skills and exposed me to different cultures to learn more about our world. “

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